PhD thesis “European Contract Law and Narratives of National Identity”
Arne Gutsche defended his PhD thesis “European Contract Law and Narratives of National Identity” on 26 November 2021.
The dissertation was supervised by Prof Gerhard Dannemann and was concerned with the historic development of Contract law within the EU and the effect of different national conceptions of contract. The thesis combined legal and cultural studies in an interdisciplinary approach. The viva was supervised by Prof Alexander Blankennagel, Prof Gerhard Dannemann and Prof Stefan Grundmann and consisted of a 20-minute-presentation and 40 minutes of questions by the panel. It took place at the law faculty of Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
PhD thesis “Recent Irish and British Migration to Berlin – A Case of Lifestyle Migration?”
Melanie Neumann defended her PhD thesis “Recent Irish and British Migration to Berlin – A Case of Lifestyle Migration?” on 5 June 2019. The dissertation was co-supervised by Prof Gesa Stedman and Dr Gisela Holfter (University of Limerick).
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PhD thesis “AGENCY. The Entrepreneurial Self in Narratives of Transformation: Debuting into the Literary Field at the Dawn of the 21st Century”
Jessica Fischer defended her PhD thesis “AGENCY. The Entrepreneurial Self in Narratives of Transformation: Debuting into the Literary Field at the Dawn of the 21st Century” on 15 May 2019. The dissertation was co-supervised by Prof Gesa Stedman and Prof Elahe Haschemi Yekani (HU Berlin, English Department).
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Launch of the Berlin Graduate School of British Studies
"We will start small and hope to grow in the future." G. Stedman, Chair
On 7 January 2015 the new Graduate School of British Studies was launched during a lunchtime lecture event.
After a welcome to members, friends and guests of the new graduate school, the spokesperson of the Graduate School, Professor Gesa Stedman, introduced the guest speaker Dr Marion Müller. Dr Müller is a former member of the Centre for British Studies and an Oxford graduate. She now manages the Einstein Foundation Berlin.
Her talk was entitled “The best years of your lives“, and she told the audience about her PhD project which she had the luck to complete in Oxford but which was begun at the Centre for British Studies. Marion Müller gave a lively impression of her experience including not only all the pleasures and anxieties that such a large-scale academic endeavour involves but also all those famous little quirks and eccentricities the Oxford community offers. She furthermore had a list of helpful tips for our PhD students regarding their projects that included for instance the useful advice not to spend months and months collecting data but to start writing immediately, to remain open to ideas and criticism and not least to allow for mistakes which are a necessary part of any research project. It was an entertaining, but also thoughtful and encouraging talk.
The event was followed by a reception with drinks and canapés where everyone drank to the success of the graduate school and its members.
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Guest speaker Dr Marion Müller
Zeitmanagement für Doktoranden: Doktorarbeit - und keine Zeit?!
Kerstin Köhler
Diplom-Sprechwissenschaftlerin, K+S Kommunikation Berlin GbR
Getting a PhD in Britain: Proposal, Thesis, Examination
Dr Steven Truxal, City University London
Senior Lecturer, Programme Director, LLM International Business Law
Comparison in Scientific Research
Prof. Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer
Universität Heidelberg
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Prof Allan Cochrane, Dr Sarah Neal
Open University
Showcasing your Research for Success
Dr Steven Truxal, City University London
Senior Lecturer, Programme Director, LLM International Business Law
Qualitative Interviewing Workshop
Dr Dawn Mannay
University of Cardiff
Close Reading and Cultural Contexts: Literary Analysis
Dr Stefano Evangelista
Oxford University
Dissertationen planvoll beenden: Kleingruppen-Coaching
Kerstin Köhler
Diplom-Sprechwissenschaftlerin, K+S Kommunikation Berlin GbR
Writing Workshop
Dr. Christian Wymann
Mind Your Writing Schreibberatung, Bern