Limited access (HU-network or from home via VPN)
Includes a comprehensive collection of English cases.
Free access on the Internet
Contains all primary legislation in force as of 1991, and all primary and secondary legislation since that date. Take care, that legislation on this site may not always include most recent amendments.
Direct link to search results for “UK Public General Acts” (from 1988, plus selected earlier statutes)
Direct link to search results for “UK Statutory Instruments” from 1987
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Free access on the Internet
British and Irish case-law & legislation, European Union case-law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. Includes most recent, a lot of historical, and some international cases.
Direct link to case-law search (excludes most older cases)
Commonwealth Legal Information Institute
Free access on the Internet
Contains case reports between 1220 and 1873.
UK Supreme Court
Free access on the Internet
Decisions, scheduled cases, press releases, biographies of justices and other information concerning the UK's highest court.
UK Supreme Court Blog
Free access on the Internet
Includes links to case-law.
Crown Prosecution Service
Free access on the Internet
Explanations of criminal law, policy, prosecution guidance, crime stats, etc.
UK Human Rights Blog
Free access on the Internet
Articles on all developments in the UK which have a connection to human rights. Articles are typically written by practising lawyers and academics and provide links to primary sources.
Westlaw UK
Access provided by Staatsbibliothek Berlin for library cardholders only
Comprehensive legal research system including legislation, cases (with breakdown of where, when and how (favourably or unfavourably) a case has been cited both in other judgments and in some literature) current awareness and articles, etc.
Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)
Free access on the Internet
Gives rules and examples for the citation of the main UK legal primary sources, and for many types of secondary sources.
Quick reference guide
HUDOC Database of the European Court of Human Rights - Case-Law
Free access on the Internet
Case-law section of the database of the ECHR comprising all the Court’s judgements.
European Union Law
Free access on the Internet
Database of Treaties establishing the European Union and governing the way it works. EU regulations, directives, and decisions with direct or indirect effect on EU member states.
European Union Case-Law
Free access on the Internet
Database of judgments from the Court of Justice of the European Union, which interprets EU legislation.