Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Here you can find monographs and edited volumes of the Centre's staff. Further publications by our members can be found under Staff.

F.A. Mann:The Lawyer and His Legacy


Gerhard Dannemann and Jason Allen (eds.), F.A. Mann: The Lawyer and His Legacy. Oxford Univerisity Press, 2024.

Affective Polarisation: Social Inequality in the UK after Austerity


Jana Gohrisch and Gesa Stedman (eds.), Affective Polarisation: Social Inequality in the UK after Austerity, Brexit and COVID-19. Bristol University Press, 2023.

Salt, Protest and Public Health in Modern India                        


Tanuja Kothiyal & Miles Taylor (eds.), Salt, Protest and Public Health in Modern India, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies (2023), vol. 46, no. 3.

Strategic Litigation and Corporate Complicity in Crimes Under International Law: A TWAIL Analysis


Kalika Mehta, Strategic Litigation and Corporate Complicity in Crimes Under International Law: A TWAIL Analysis. Oxford/New York: Routledge, 2023.

International Criminal Law – A Counterhegemonic Project?


Kalika Mehta, F. Jeßberger and L. Steinl (eds.), International Criminal Law – A Counterhegemonic Project? Springer, 2022.

German Civil Code Vol. 2


Gerhard Dannemann and R. Schulze. J. Watson (assistant editor), German Civil Code Vol. 2, Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) Article-by-Article Commentary: Books 4-5: §§ 1297-2385. C.H. Beck/Nomos: München/Baden-Baden, 2022.


Non-Statutory Executive Powers and Judicial Review


Jason Allen, Non-Statutory Executive Powers and Judicial Review. CUP, 2022.

Smart Legal Contracts: Computable Law in Theory and Practice


Jason Allen and P.G. Hunn (eds.), Smart Legal Contracts: Computable Law in Theory and Practice. OUP, 2022.

Protecting Life by Investigating Death: Human Rights Obligations on European States to Investigate the Deaths of Migrants and Refugees


Sam McIntosh, Protecting Life by Investigating Death: Human Rights Obligations on European States to Investigate the Deaths of Migrants and Refugees. Menschen.Rechte! – Schriftenreihe des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für Grund- und Menschenrechte. Wien: Manz, 2022

The First World War and its Aftermath: Literary Networks and Cultural Encounters


Journal of European Studies Vol. 51 (2021) Special Issue "The First World War and its Aftermath: Literary Networks and Cultural Encounters" ed. by Philip Ross Bullock, Sofia Permiakova and Gesa Stedman.

Local Government in the European Union - Completing the Integration Cycle


Local Government in the European Union: Completing the Integration Cycle by Marius Guderjan and Tom Verhelst, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

German Civil Code Vol. I - Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) Article-by-Article Commentary


German Civil Code Vol. 1, Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) Article-by-Article Commentary: Books 1-3: §§ 1-1296 (edited by Gerhard Dannemann and Reiner Schulze; Jonathon Watson, Assistant Editor), C.H. Beck / Nomos, 2020.

Contested Britain - Brexit, Austerity and Agency


Contested Britain: Brexit, Austerity and Agency edited by Marius Guderjan, Hugh Mackay and Gesa Stedman, Bristol University Press, 2020.

Imagined Economies – Real Fictions: New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain


Jessica Fischer and Gesa Stedman (eds.), Imagined Economies – Real Fictions New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2020.


It’s not just the Economy, Stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector


Gesa Stedman and Sandra van Lente (eds.), It's not just the Economy, Stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector. 2017. Berlin: Centre for British Studies.

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The Future of the UK: Between Internal and External Divisions


Marius Guderjan (ed.), The Future of the UK: Between Internal and External Divisions. 2016. Berlin: Centre for British Studies.

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Cultural Exchange in Seventeenth-Century France and England


Gesa Stedman, Cultural Exchange in Seventeenth-Century France and England. 2013. Aldershot: Ashgate.


The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law


Gerhard Dannemann and Stefan Vogenauer (eds.), The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interactions with English and German Law. 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


The Rise of Market Society in England, 1066-1800 


Christiane Eisenberg, The Rise of Market Society in England, 1066-1800 (transl. Deborah Cohen). 2013. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.


Cultural Industries in Britain and Germany. Sport, Music and Entertainment from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century


Christiane Eisenberg and Andreas Gestrich (eds.). Cultural Industries in Britain and Germany. Sport, Music and Entertainment from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Deutsche Englandforschung, Volume 65). 2012. Augsburg: Wißner-Verlag.


Competition and Regulation in the Airline Industry: Puppets in Chaos


Steven Truxal. Competition and Regulation in the Airline Industry: Puppets in Chaos. 2012. London/New York: Routledge.


'Gutes' Theater: Theaterfinanzierung und Theaterangebot in Großbritannien und Deutschland im Vergleich


Rita Gerlach-March. 'Gutes' Theater: Theaterfinanzierung und Theaterangebot in Großbritannien und Deutschland im Vergleich. 2010. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


The Creative Destruction of Copyright - Innovation in the Record Industry and Digital Copying


Christian Handke. The Creative Destruction of Copyright: Innovation in the Record Industry and Digital Copying. 2010. Available at SSRN:


The German Law of Unjustified Enrichment and Restitution: a Comparative Introduction


Gerhard Dannemann. The German Law of Unjustified Enrichment and Restitution: a Comparative Introduction. 2009. Oxford: University Press.


Masculinity and the Other: Historical Perspectives


Heather Ellis and Jessica Meyer. Masculinity and the Other: Historical Perspectives. 2009. Cambridge: Scholars Publishing.


Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles), Contract II: General Provisions, Delivery of Goods, Package Travel and Payment Services


Gerhard Dannemann, as part of the Research Group on Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group) (eds.). Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles), Contract II: General Provisions, Devliery of Goods, Package Travel and Payment Services. 2009. München: Sellier. 

Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles), Contract I: Pre-Contractual Obligations. Conclusion of Contract


Gerhard Dannemann, as part of the Research Group on Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group) (eds.). Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles), Contract I: Pre-Contractual Obligations. Conclusion of Contract. Unfair Terms. 2009. München: Sellier. 


From Coffee to Tea Cultivation in Ceylon, 1880-1900: An Economic and Social History


Roland Wenzlhuemer. From Coffee to Tea Cultivation in Ceylon, 1880-1900: An Economic and Social History. Volume 29 of Brill's Indological Library. 2008. Leiden/Boston: Brill.


The Law of Medical Negligence in England and Germany: A Comparative Analysis


Marc Stauch. The Law of Medical Negligence in England and Germany: A Comparative Analysis. 2008. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


The Literary Mind


Jürgen Schlaeger and Gesa Stedman (eds.). The Literary Mind. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature (REAL), Volume 24. 2008. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.


Höfe – Salons – Akademien. Kulturtransfer und Geschlecht im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit


Gesa Stedman und Margarete Zimmermann (eds.). Höfe – Salons – Akademien. Kulturtransfer und Geschlecht im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. 2007. Hildesheim: Georg Olms-Verlag.


English Studies Today: Recent Developments and New Directions


Ansgar Nünning and Jürgen Schlaeger (eds.). English Studies Today: Recent Developments and New Directions. 2007. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.





Britain as a Model of Modern Society? German Views


Arnd Bauerkämper and Christiane Eisenberg (eds.). Britain as a Model of Modern Society? German Views. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Deutsche England-Forschung, Volume 56. 2006 Augsburg: Wißner-Verlag.


Cultural Industries: The British Experience in International Perspective


Christiane Eisenberg, Rita Gerlach and Christian Handke (eds.). The Cultural Industries: The British Experience in International Perspective. 2006. Online. Humboldt University Berlin, Edoc- Server and ISBN 978-3-86004-203-8. 234 S.

Förderung und Finanzkontrolle gemeinnütziger Organisationen in Großbritannien und Deutschland. Rechtsformen, steuerliche Förderung und Finanzkontrolle


Sabine Selbig. Förderung und Finanzkontrolle gemeinnütziger Organisationen in Großbritannien und Deutschland. Rechtsformen, steuerliche Förderung und Finanzkontrolle. 2006. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


Das 'Bollwerk des Bürgertums': Die Berliner Kaufmannschaft 1870-1920


Christof Biggeleben. Das 'Bollwerk des Bürgertums': Die Berliner Kaufmannschaft 1870-1920. 2006. München: C.H. Beck.


FIFA 1904-2004. 100 Jahre Weltfußball / 100 Years of Football. The FIFA Centennial Book


Christiane Eisenberg, Pierre Lanfranchi, Tony Mason and Alfred Wahl. FIFA 1904-2004. 100 Jahre Weltfußball. 2004. Göttingen: Die Werkstatt. / 100 Years of Football. The FIFA Centennial Book. 2004. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.


Die ungewollte Diskriminierung in der internationalen Rechtsanwendung: zur Anwendung, Berücksicht und Anpassung von Normen aus unterschiedlichen Rechtsordnungen


Gerhard Dannemann. Die ungewollte Diskriminierung in der internationalen Rechtsanwendung. Zur Anwendung, Berücksichtigung und Anpassung von Normen aus unterschiedlichen Rechtsordnungen (Accidental Discrimination in the Conflict of Laws:  applying, considering and adjusting legal norms in cases involving different jurisdictions). 2004. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


'These savage beasts become domestick' The discourse of the passions in early modern England


Marion Müller. 'These savage beasts become domestick' The discourse of the passions in early modern England. 2004. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.


Metamorphosis Structures of Cultural Transformations


Jürgen Schlaeger (ed.). Metamorphosis Structures of Cultural Transformations. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature (REAL), Volume 20. 2004. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.


Stemming the Torrent: Expression and Control in the Victorian Discourses on Emotion, 1830-1872


Gesa Stedman. Stemming the Torrent: Expression and Control in the Victorian Discourses on Emotion, 1830-1872. 2002. Aldershot: Ashgate.


Kulturen der Gefühle in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit


Ingrid Kasten, Gesa Stedman und Margarete Zimmermann (eds.). Kulturen der Gefühle in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Querelles - Jahrbuch für Frauen und Geschlechterforschung VII. 2002. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler.


Charity Law and Change: British and German Perspectives


Christine R Barker and Sabine Selbig (eds.), Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht im Wandel: Britische und deutsche Perspektiven. 2002. Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. ISBN-10: 3-88476-561-2. 208 S.



Englische Frauen der Frühen Neuzeit. Dichterinnen, Malerinnen, Mäzeninnen


Gesa Stedman (ed.). Englische Frauen der Frühen Neuzeit. Dichterinnen, Malerinnen, Mäzeninnen. 2001. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.


Parliamentary Cultures: British and German Persepctives


Christiane Eisenberg (ed.), Parlamentskulturen: Britische und deutsche Perspektiven. 2001. Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. ISBN: 3-88476-476-4. 254 S.


Representations of Emotional Excess


Jürgen Schlaeger (ed.). Representations of Emotional Excess. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature (REAL), Volume 16. 2000. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.


Representations of Emotions


Jürgen Schlaeger und Gesa Stedman (eds.). Representations of Emotions. Literatur und Anthropologie. 1999. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.


The Future of the Welfare State: German and British Perspectives


Helmut Weber (ed.), Die Zukunft des Sozialstaates: Deutsch-britische Perspektiven. 1999. Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. ISBN: 3-88476-347-4. IX + 218 S.


The Media Debate: British and German Perspectives


Jürgen Schlaeger (ed.), Die Mediendebatte: Britische und deutsche Perspektiven. 1997. Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. ISBN: 3-88476-277-X. IX + 234 S.


The Anthropological Turn in Literary Studies


Jürgen Schlaeger (ed.). The Anthropological Turn in Literary Studies. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature (REAL), Volume 12. 1996. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.




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