Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Centre for British Studies | Blog/Publications/Media | Publications | It's not just the Economy, Stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector

It's not just the Economy, Stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector


A collaborative ebook on the effects of the Brexit vote on the UK's cultural sector and its agents: "It's not just the economy, stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector", edited by Gesa Stedman and Sandra van Lente.

Our contributors come from a broad range of cultural and artistic practice and many of them worry about two aspects which have come to the fore in the context of Brexit: the stark social rift which separates the Leave and Remain camps, and the nasty rise of xenophobia and insularity in all its different shapes and forms.

Although our authors do not intend to be read or viewed as all-encompassing, and although they differ in respect to the focus they chose for their essays, poems, or statements, one aspect unifies their utterances: passion. Passion for the multi-faceted characteristics of culture, language, exchange, dialogue, border-crossings, passion for an outward-looking approach to both Britain, its different nations, and its neighbours close and far. A passionate fear of what Britain might lose in the process of departing from the EU. And the fear of loss does not concentrate on the loss of revenue or even on the probable obstacles to travel and artistic exchange once Brexit is in place. But the loss of ambivalence and ambiguity, the loss of conflicting opinions, texts, stances, diversity, in short: everything that culture, which is free to find its own forms of expression, is valued for.


The ebook is available as an EPUB and a basic print version (PDF file). We plan to publish a print version in the winter semester.
* download link to EPUB file (approx. 5 MB)

* download link to basic print version (approx. 4 MB, pdf file)