Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Evelina Bazaeva, MA




Evelina Bazaeva started her role as Lecturer and Researcher in British Culture and Literature at the Centre for British Studies in March 2023. She received a first-class degree in BA Linguistics in 2018 and holds an MA in British Studies with distinction from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Following her internship as teaching assistant at Queen Mary University of London and graduation from the Centre, she went on to pursue a PhD under the joint supervision of the Faculty of English and American Studies and the Centre for British Studies. Her research focuses on the intersection of interwar British women writing and film theory in the early 20th century and the broader role of intermediality in Anglo-American modernisms. After receiving the DAAD Fellowship for Completion of Degree in 2021, she spent two terms as a visiting PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge as part of the Erasmus + Mobility programme. This year, her project has been awarded funding by the Oxford-Berlin Research Partnership, which will result in a research trip to the archives of the University of Oxford. She is currently working on her thesis, along with other projects pertaining to the field of comparative literature, the history of the novel, and intermediality. 

As a member of the Centre’s academic staff, she has taught courses on Intermediality & Modernism, Academic Writing, and Cultural Project Management (CPM).