Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dr Sam McIntosh



Guest Professor 

English Law, British Economy and Politics



Tel +49 (0)30 2093 99063


In 2022, Sam published his second book with MANZ’sche Verlags- und Universtitätsbuchhandlung, Wien, entitled Protecting Life by Investigating Death: Human Rights Obligations on European States to Investigate the Deaths of Migrants and Refugees. This book was the output of a research project carried out at the Centre and funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung. Sam was previously a lecturer and researcher at the Centre.

Sam McIntosh was awarded his PhD by the Centre for Law, Justice and Journalism at City, University of London, in April 2016. He spent three years of his PhD as a visiting scholar at Vienna University under the supervision of Professor Manfred Nowak. Sam holds an LLM in Public International Law (with distinction) from Edinburgh University, and an MA (Joint Honours) in Spanish and European History, also from Edinburgh University. Sam is a fully qualified lawyer in England and Wales, and has worked at three of the most highly regarded human rights firms in the country. He began his training in the criminal defence department at Imran Khan & Partners and went on to finish his training and work in the civil departments at Bhatt Murphy Solicitors and Hickman & Rose. At both firms, he worked primarily on civil actions against the police and prison authorities, and inquests into deaths at the hands of the state.

Sam has previously worked at the University of Reading's School of Law as a Sessional Lecturer, Teaching Fellow and also as a Research Assistant on the 'Law, Terrorism and the Right to Know' project. This project explored democratic traditions of media freedom and the contemporary demands of national and international security in the context of terrorism-related court cases.

Sam's research interests include domestic and international human rights law, the rights of unsettled refugees and migrants, the Coroners' Courts, open justice and the media's relationship with the courts, transitional justice, restorative justice and recognition theory.

Sam teaches and examines on the following courses at the GBZ: Constitutional Law and the Political System, The English Legal System, Contract Law and Commercial Law.